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Mercedes LeFrancois

Chef Anne Sophie

Chef Anne Sophie

My name is Mercedes Lefrancois and I am Jr. leader of the CWDHS Culinary club. I am also in several other clubs such as Amnesty, GSA, Environmental Club, Debate Club, and I am also on the youth arts and entertainment council. My dream is to become a world class chef and own a restaurant that charges far too much but still manages to get business. Should I screw that up I’ll either breed dogs or teach. I am fluent in both french and english, can flirt in spanish and am just starting to learn German though I can’t really say anything yet. Hopefully this will give me the opportunity to cook in several countries. I have worked as a: server, cook, caterer, dishwasher, dog trainer, dog groomer, set designer, and a handyman’s assistant. My favorite knives are Wusthof, my fave bands are Cuff the Duke, Gogol Bordello, Flogging Molly, The Hip and Hot Hot Heat, my fave food is french, my fave dish is potato leek soup, my fave book is “Feeding the Future”, my fave hobbies are cooking, biking, painting and music, my fave class is Hospitality and my fave teacher is Mista J.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Mercedes permalink
    October 7, 2009 9:50 pm

    Shoulda used a picture of a cooler chef. I guess if it had to be a girl Anne-Sophie Pic or Alice Waters or something woulda been cooler. Wouldn’t it have made more seance to use an actual picture though?

    • Food School permalink*
      October 8, 2009 12:08 am

      and done.

      • Lois Cherry permalink
        March 14, 2010 10:28 pm

        Dear Mercedes. It was great to meet you yesterday on the Elora Culinary walking tour. I enjoyed hearing you get so excited about food , and your future plans. Inspiring !
        I hope you follow your dreams and share your quirky personality with the rest of the world. The world will be a better place because of you.
        All the best , Lois Cherry

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